We are closed from December 23rd to January 6th. All orders received will be shipped after our reopening.



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Personal data is processed with automated tools only for the time strictly necessary for the purposes behind its collection.

Specific safety measures are observed to prevent the loss of the data, its illicit or incorrect use and unauthorised accesses. Eurosup S.r.l. uses “safe” architecture and technology to protect personal data against undue divulgation, alteration or improper use. In particular, the objective of protections implemented for personal data is that of reducing as much as possible the risk of destruction and loss – even accidental – of the data, as well as that of unauthorised accesses or that of the data being processed without permission or in ways that are not compliant with the reasons behind its collection. The aforementioned safety measures obviously meet the minimum requirements indicated by the Legislator (Technical document on minimum safety measures as set forth in articles 33 through 36 of Legislative Decree n. 196/03). Periodic “Risk analysis” operations are carried out to check compliance with defined Standards and to implement new safety measures following organisational changes and technological innovations or changes to the types of data collected. Safety measures are constantly monitored and checked periodically. The data subjects have the right, at all times, to obtain confirmation of existence of their data and to know its contents and origins, check the correctness of the data or require its integration or update, or its rectification (art. 7 of Legislative Decree n. 196/03). Pursuant to this same article, the data subject can require the cancellation of his/her data, its transformation into anonymous form or the blocking of his/her data if used in illegal ways. The data subject can also oppose the processing of his/her data, for legitimate reasons.

Requests must be sent to the e-mail address [email protected]

Please find below the full article referenced in the previous paragraph:

1. The data subject has the right to obtain confirmation of the existence of his/her personal data, even if these are not yet recorded, and their communication in intelligible form.

2. The data subject has the right to obtain indication:
a) of the origin of the personal data;
b) of the treatment objectives and methods;
c) of the logic applied in the case of processing via electronic tools;
d) of the identification details of the treatment owner, of the subjects responsible for the processing and of the designated representative pursuant to article 5, comma 2;
e) of the subjects or categories of subjects to whom the data may be transmitted or who may become aware of the data as designated representative within the Country or as subjects responsible for the treatment.

The data subject has the right to obtain:
a) the update, rectification or, when it is in in his/her interest, integration of the data;
b) the cancellation, transformation into anonymous form or the blocking of his/her data if used in illegal ways, including data retained despite not being necessary for the purposes for which the data was collected or processed;
c) the certification that operations indicated under items a) and b) were brought to the attention – including their contents - of subjects the data was transmitted to, unless this is impossible or requires a use of means clearly disproportionate to the protected right.

3. The data subject has the right to oppose, completely or in part:
a) the processing of his/her data for legitimate reasons, even if pertinent to the purposes behind its collection;
b) the processing of personal data for purposes connected to the sending of advertising material or direct sales or for market research or commercial communications.